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發(fā)布時間:2018/02/02 11:39:38 來源:易學(xué)仕專升本網(wǎng) 閱讀量:5492

摘要:1. 表示義務(wù)、命令或必要 主要用于用于肯定句、否定句和疑問句。具體用法如下: (1)意為必須。如: Soldiers must obey orders. 軍人必須服從命令。 Something must be done to stop

1. 表示義務(wù)、命令或必要



Soldiers must obey orders. 軍人必須服從命令。

Something must be done to stop pollution. 必須采取措施來防止污染。(可跟被動語態(tài))

I think I must be going. 我想我得走了。(可跟進行時態(tài))

注:must 和have to 的用法及區(qū)別:

must 和have to 都表示“必須”,有時二者可以通用,如:

I must / have to leave now. 我得走了。

must表示說話人的主觀看法,have to 表示客觀的需要。如:

I feel I must write to thank you for your help. 我覺得我必須寫信感謝你對我的幫助。

It is raining hard. You have to take an umbrella. 雨下得很大,你得帶把傘。

must只有現(xiàn)在時形式;have to有更多時態(tài)。如:

We had to be there at eight. 我們八點鐘必須到那兒。

“You'll have to get off here,” the conductor said. “你得在這里下車了,”售票員說。


He said that he must buy a gift for Mary. 他說他必須給瑪麗買個禮物。

She insists that I must do it by myself. 他堅持這事我必須獨立完成。

mustn't表示“禁止”“不許”;表示“不必”時,要用have to的各種形式。如:

You must not go there. 你不準(zhǔn)去那兒。

We mustn't smoke here, must we? 我們在這兒絕不能吸煙,是嗎?

We don't have to buy a new radio. 我們不必買新收音機了。

⑤以must開頭的疑問句,肯定回答用must, 否定回答用needn't 或don't have to.如:

—Must I do it? 我一定要做這件事嗎?

—Yes, you must. (No, you needn't. / No, you don't have to.) 是的,一定要做。(不必。)


We must have a discussion about it before making a decision. 再作決定之前我們應(yīng)該討論一下。

You must read the book. 你應(yīng)該讀那本書。


Man must die. 人必有一死。

What must be will be. 注定要發(fā)生的事總要發(fā)生。


Why must she keep on asking? 他干嗎非要問個不停?

We were ready to leave, the neighbor must come and chatter. 我們剛準(zhǔn)備好要走, 鄰居偏偏過來聊天。


2. 表示推測

must表示推測通常只用于肯定句,意為“準(zhǔn)是”、“一定”,在否定句或疑問句用can。 如:

(1) must+動詞原形表示對現(xiàn)在情況的推測。如:

You must be tired after your long journey. 你走了這么遠的路,一定很累。

It must be true. 那必定是真的。

The man she married must have a lot of money. 她嫁的那個人一定有不少錢。

(2) must+ have+ 動詞的過去分詞,表示對過去事情的推測。如:

We must have taken the wrong road. 我們一定走錯路了。

He must have arrived there. 他必已到達那兒了。

(3) must+ 進行式。


Hurry up! Mother must be waiting anxiously. 快點!媽媽一定等急了。


I must be leaving now. 我得走了。.英語語法網(wǎng) www.yingyuyufa.com

有時must+ 進行式用來表示“老是在(干某事)”,如:

Why must you always be finding fault with others? 你為什么老是挑別人的毛???

(4) must+ 完成進行式,表示“準(zhǔn)是一直在┅”如:

Someone must have been smoking here.一定有人一直在這里抽煙。

They are sweating all over, They must have been playing football on the playground. 他們渾身是汗,準(zhǔn)時在操場踢足球來著。






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